The newest technology from Motorola is the WAVE service. Now referred to as WAVE PTX. It is Motorola's own Broadband Push to Talk service that operates over LTE or phone cell networks
Wave PTX is not only 3G/4G Radios such as the TLK 100, TLK 150 and LEX L11 but also allows for mobile smart phone integration and also LMR interoperability. If you already operate Motorola radios then integrating WAVE is easy.
There are many reasons why WAVE is suitable for new and old radio customers. There are 3 key parts to WAVE. These are;-
1) WAVE PTX App can turn your smartphone into a push to talk handset in seconds. This means you can stay in touch with the conversation without purchasing additional radios. You can share multimedia message, get instant comms and have location mapping all in one. The WAVE PTX app runs on smartphones and tablets bringing all your communications together.
Other key reasons to choose WAVE PTX App
The new Safeguard feature (optional) gives you advanced emergency calling, remote monitoring and location based communications. This is essential for keeping lone workers safe and in touch with others.
You can stream video from your PTX app to a dispatch computer and view incidents as they happen. Managers and decision makers can have a better situational awareness and respond to incidents in a more resourceful way.
2) Wave Radios. The TLK Series of Wave radios give you the best in wide area radio coverage without having to outlay for infrastructure. If you run a haulage company, fit the TLK 150 to your lorries and get live location tracking and communications anywhere in the UK and Europe. It gives you better productivity and a better end user experience as you can provide real time tracking on deliveries.
The TLK Radios operate on 3G/4G networks. They automatically roam to the best network available. No fiddly user input needed.
3) WAVE PTX Dispatch and control your radio users from an internet connection on any web browser.
Stay connected and keep your finger on the pulse. The web based dispatch controller shows you live location updates, multi media messages and real time status updates.
The Wave family of devices includes the TLK 100, TLK 150 and LEX L11. The LEX L11 is a mission critical LTE device compared to the standard Android or IOS app that can be installed on any smartphone or tablet.
The Wave Dispatch runs on any web browser meaning you can access it anywhere you have an internet connection.
Motorola WAVE PTX gives you annual subscription costs with no additional call charges or hidden fees. This allows you to keep costs under control from the outset.
Read more about the broadband LTE, Push to Talk over Cellular tech from Motorola below. www.motorolasolutions.com/en_xu/products/broadband-push-to-talk/wave-ptx.html
If you already run MOTOTRBO equipment at your business. You can integrate WAVE PTX extremely easily. Wave will require a minimum of an LCP or Linked Capacity Plus system to allow your VHF/UHF two way radios to communicate with the LTE TLK Radios and PTX App.
If you wish to have total control and an overview of your LMR and Wave devices, the Wave Dispatcher can give you real and live telemetry.
If you are looking to rent broadband, push to talk over cellular radios then speak to us about Motorola WAVE PTX. We offer both hire and sales of TLK Radios and can help you integrate it into your existing radio system. As a Motorola Solutions channel partner we can offer great prices on your new equipment.