Security is an ever increasing factor for Schools of all shapes and sizes. From Primary schools to secondary schools, universities and colleges. The safety of pupils and staff alike is not something that can be over looked in the 21st century.
Walkie Talkies and Body Worn Cameras are a great tool that will assist staff in dealing with a multitude of issues effectively which will bolster your health and safety whilst ensuring they’re able to oversee pupils or given task at the same time.
Two Way radios are becoming increasingly popular at schools and colleges around the UK. The use of radios at schools is something that’s commonly used by headteachers, teachers, technicians, lecturers equally.
If you want to see how using radios in your education environment could benefit your school or college. Request a demonstration and book some radios for a short trial period.
You could start out with a couple of simple two way radios to assist dinner ladies in playground monitoring. Perhaps even order a few more units to spread between teachers and IT technicians. If your building is spread over a large site then using radios will save countless hours in walking or calling people to deliver messages.
Fill in the form here Radio Hire Quote and pick the radio you're interested in. Complete the quote form and we'll get back to you. You can also call us on 01834 889 180 Contact Us